
StainedGlassWindowBet Aviv is a Reform Jewish congregation founded on commitment to Columbia’s interfaith concept. Our programs focus on the needs and interests of our adult members. A warm, friendly, committed community, we offer a wide variety of activities that encourage congregants to stay connected and involved. An additional benefit: our dues are affordable.


Our child-rearing years mostly behind us, we are at a wonderful time of life. At Bet Aviv, we now have the time to use as we choose to cultivate new friendships, to study religious history, to discuss contemporary issues and to participate in activities to improve our community. We’re there for each other in good times to celebrate simchas and, of course, to extend support in times of need.


Whether your passion is spiritual, intellectual or focused on making the world a better place, Bet Aviv offers a wide range of activities for you. We encourage and welcome new members to participate fully in our programs. With so many to choose from, you’re sure to find one just right for you.


Bet Aviv’s dues are fair and affordable. Because our programs are adult-focused, we don’t incur the higher expenses of youth-oriented programs such as Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and Sunday School. Moreover, our choice to share space at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center eliminates a building fund. And the help of member volunteers lowers administrative costs. Sum total: exceptional value and a rewarding membership experience.


Upcoming Events

  1. Wed 23

    Genealogy Club

    The next meeting of the Bet
    Oct 23 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
  2. Wed 23

    Bet Aviv Board Meeting

    The Bet Aviv Board meets on
    Oct 23 @ 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
  3. Thu 24

    Shemini Atzeret Yiskor

    Please join us for our Shemini
    Oct 24 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am
  4. Fri 25

    Simchat Torah Shabbat Service with CJC and Kol Nefesh

    Please join us for a Simchat
    Oct 25 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  5. Mon 28

    Israeli Movie Night

    Click HERE to register. Space is
    Oct 28 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
  6. Thu 31

    Lunch and Learn

    Oct 31 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

Get Connected to Jewish Life

Feel the Peace and Joy of Shabbat

Bet Aviv holds Friday evening Shabbat services twice a month.  Experience the joy of praying and singing with a thriving community, hear insightful sermons by the Rabbi, joyful songs led by the cantor and best of all the chance to meet and chat with friends at our beautiful Onegs following the service.  We hold special Shabbats to honor members and celebrate major holidays as a community.

Quench Your Thirst for Jewish Knowledge

We are a community that has thirst for deepening our knowledge of Judaism and its values.  We hold monthly Adult Education programs, weekly Lunch and Learn sessions with Rabbi Joseph to study Jewish topics of interest and a yearly Scholar in Residence program presented by a prominent guest speaker.

Repair the World

Our Social Action Committee is actively involved in efforts that fulfill the mitzvah of tikkun olam, repairing the world.  We cook and serve food for the hungry, coordinate food collections at Yom Kippur and throughout the year, help keep our environment clean and more.

Honor Sisterhood Presidents

Combined social, educational, religious and social action programs create opportunities for the synagogue’s women to create lasting friendships.  Our Sisterhood holds monthly programs,  an annual fundraiser, cooks food for the homeless, helps dress the poor, has an awesome book club and more!

The Latke Kings Reign Supreme

Our Men’s Club provides monthly programming of interest to all on Jewish topics, preceded by their enormously popular bagelicious brunch.  In addition, the Men’s Club cooks mountains of delicious golen latkes for our Hanukkah celebration.

Raise Your Voice in Song

Our choir enhances our services with their beautiful singing.  They are honored on Choir Shabbat, sing special melodies for Hanukkah and Shabbat Shira and enhance our High Holy Day services with their enthusiastic and beautiful voices and arrangements.