Once again, our High Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Howard County Food Bank will be virtual. While we know that many people get satisfaction from donating actual food items, with our services being a hybrid of in-person and streaming, this is just not possible. By donating money, the Food Bank can be restocked at wholesale value, meaning that your dollar goes further and the Food Bank can purchase exactly those items that are needed. Over the past 3 years, Bet Aviv members have donated over $8,000 to the Food Bank. Since we won’t be handing out paper bags at Rosh Hashanah with Mazon envelopes stapled to them, we are again having an on-line collection of funds for Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger. Mazon’s advocacy to end hunger in America and Israel is essential work. For underrepresented groups like seniors, Native Americans, military families, veterans and more….threatened by food insecurity, this advocacy can be life changing.
Below, you will find the links to donate to Howard County Food Bank and to Mazon. If you prefer to mail a check, you will find instructions on who to make the check out to and where to mail it on each link. Brochure envelopes for Mazon will be available on the check-in tables during the High Holiday services. While we won’t be able to tell you how many pounds of food we collect, we will be able to tell you how much money was donated to help the less fortunate in our area.
Thank you so much for your support of those less fortunate than us!