These programs are made possible thanks to a sponsorship by Window Nation and the financial support of community members like you who contribute to the Jewish Federation of Howard County Annual Campaign.
Our MISSION – Support and serve the Howard County Jewish community and connect the local community to the State of Israel and Jews throughout the world.
Our VISION – Be the dynamic, integrating resource in Howard County by promoting the well-being of the Jewish community as a whole, in partnership with other Jewish-based and community organizations.
Our STRATEGIC PURPOSE – Build community by caring for, supporting, and enriching Jewish life in Howard County. The Federation welcomes all people who identify Howard County as their Jewish community to participate in, volunteer for, or donate to Federation activities and programs.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
12pm – 1:30pm
Please join us as Ophir Gottesgnade returns to offer his insights.
“The Current Landscape and Geopolitical Trends of the Middle East”
Location: Temple Isaiah
12200 Scaggsville Rd, Fulton, MD 20759
Israel Café is free of charge and registration is required.
These programs are made possible thanks to a sponsorship by Window Nation and the financial support of community members like you who contribute to the Jewish Federation of Howard County Annual Campaign.
Our VISION – Be the dynamic, integrating resource in Howard County by promoting the well-being of the Jewish community as a whole, in partnership with other Jewish-based and community organizations.
Our STRATEGIC PURPOSE – Build community by caring for, supporting, and enriching Jewish life in Howard County. The Federation welcomes all people who identify Howard County as their Jewish community to participate in, volunteer for, or donate to Federation activities and programs.
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