Women of Bet Aviv are honored at Shabbat
Women of Bet Aviv provides its members diverse opportunities to connect with other women, to develop spiritual, intellectual and personal growth and to touch the lives of others through support of Bet Aviv , organized community service and social action initiatives. The most important aspect of Sisterhood is the bond of friendship and support created between members where one call leads to whatever help, guidance or care one needs. Sisterhood is an incredible group of ladies that will wrap their arms around you and be there for you.
Women of Bet Aviv is a member of Women of Reform Judaism, the women’s agency of the Union of Reform Judaism.
Some of our on-going and ever popular educational and social events include:
- The September Kick-off Meeting is when members are introduced to the board and a special-interest speaker or activity is planned. Our featured speaker for the 2024-2025 Kickoff meeting will provide an overview of legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly addressing issues including maternal health, reproductive rights, pay equity, childcare, the Equal Rights Amendment, and more..
- Women of Bet Aviv Book Club meets the second Wednesday of every other month, with a daytime meeting offered at members’ homes.. Annually, members vote on book selection, and leaders volunteer to lead the discussions.
- Program Events are generally held at least once a month. We have a broad range of programs, both educational and entertaining. We sometimes bring in guest speakers and sometimes our own members inform and entertain us with topics ranging from protecting ourselves from scam artists to Jews on Broadway. We also have special dinners to celebrate the holidays and activities such as game day and yoga class.
- Women of Bet Aviv Shabbat, observed in the spring of each year features a special Shabbat program honoring the sisterhood women of Bet Aviv who have worked so diligently throughout the year.
- Community Service is a very important aspect of our Sisterhood. During the year we have fundraisers to support local community services, such as an “Empty Bowl” event to collect funds for Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. We also cook once a month for the Crisis Center, and collect non-perishable items and clothing for the Grassroots Day Resource Center.
- Our Fundraising events raise money for Bet Aviv, our local community and beyond. In addition to our support of Grassroots and Bet Aviv, Women of Bet Aviv has raised funds for JEN (the Jewish Emergency Network) and the Interfaith Coalition for Compassion. Women of Bet Aviv funds also support WRJ (Women of Reform Judaism).
Board of Directors
President |
Hattie Katkow |
VP Membership |
Paula Wolkowitz |
VP Membership |
Elaine Gorman |
VP Community Service |
Rita Brill |
VP Community Service |
Marcia Berlin |
VP Programming |
Judy Silver Weisberg |
Recording Secretary |
Robin Schulman |
Corresponding Secretary |
Candee Brodsky |
Treasurer |
Faye Levine |
Communications |
Terri Clayman |
Grassroots Meals |
Barbara Hurwitz |
School Supplies |
Rita Brill |
School Supplies |
Marcia Berlin |
Newsletter |
Linda Feldmesser |
Book Club Coordinator |
Geri Epstein |
To join Women of Bet Aviv, please contact our Women of Bet Aviv Membership Chair. Click here to download the Membership Form.
Click here to read the Women of Bet Aviv Bylaws updated in January 2023.
Women of Reform Judaism
Women of Bet Aviv is a proud member of the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ). WRJ represents women in over 600 local chapters throughout the U.S., Canada and other countries around the world. Click here to access their website that is a fountain of information on items of interest to Women of Bet Aviv members.